
Nowe władze PAMS

12 kwietnia, 2022

Polish-American Medical Society z Chicago wybrało nowe władze. Wyniki tajnych wyborów, które odbyły sie drogą elektroniczną zostały ogłoszone w niedzielę 10-ego kwietnia 2022. Serdeczne gratulacje Redakcji dla ponownie wybranego prezesa Piotra Brukasza, jak też dla nowego Zarządu zasłużonego stowarzyszenia z Chicago (PK).
Poniżej list nowego Prezesa do członków i sympatyków stowarzyszenia. Jest w nim również podany skład nowego Zarządu.

Dear Members and Friends, 
I am reaching out to express my heartfelt thanks to you for placing your trust in me as a reelected President zostaly of the Polish American Medical Society. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue serving you and our community.
Since its inception, the Polish American Medical Society has been led by a number of honorable and distinguished Presidents. Their successes have made our organization one of the most prestigious and recognized professional Societies, not only in the United States but also in Poland and the world.
I take the responsibility of directing the Polish American Medical Society in fulfilling its mission and purpose. We are medical professionals who have been shaped through their talents and knowledge to help others. We are always here for our patients and for each other. 
We are strong. Our elected Board of Directors is a group of our colleagues who take on the challenge of pro bono work by devoting their time and effort for the achievement of success. They are world renowned specialists and activists.  I deeply appreciate their commitment and eagerness to support our common cause, and I will acknowledge them here:

Prof. Ewa Radwańska, MD, PhD – vice president
Dr. Bartosz Wojewnik, MD – vice president
Dr. Josephine Długopolski-Gach, MD – secretary
Dr. Aleksandra Głodek, DMD, PhD – secretary
Dr. Adam Cios, MD – treasurer
Prof. Maria Siemionow, MD, PhD
Dr. Katarzyna Kusz, DDS
Dr. Stanisław Kalata, DVM
Dr. Bartosz Buchcic, MD
The mission of the Polish American Medical Society has been to sponsor young adepts of the medical profession and to bring help to our Polish Community. We would have not been able to fulfill our vocations without the continuous patronage of our sponsors. It is my honor and deep respect to extend appreciation and gratitude to our benefactors and advocates. Your wholehearted and unwavering support makes the lives of many easier and more meaningful.
My dear colleagues, members, and supporters of the Polish American Medical Society, I would like to thank you for your encouragement, loyalty, and friendship. Your trust and enthusiasm bring me the strength to continue on the journey of building a stronger Polonia, mentoring the students and residents, bringing the helping hand to all those in need, and developing solidarity between us in the United States and Poland, as well as all over the world.
The Polish American Medical Society is committed to strongly supporting and cooperating with the Federation of Polish Medical Organizations Abroad. We advocate, encourage, and support all the efforts that bring Polonia together. Our strength is in our unity. 
Respectfully yours,
Piotr Brukasz, MD
Polish American Medical Society

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