

12 maja, 2021

Ewa Radwanska, MD, PhD

Dr. Ewa Radwanska is Professor of Gynecology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. She was born in Wilno in 1938, finished Słowacki High School in Warsaw and graduated from Warsaw Medical University in 1962. She also earned her PhD in biochemistry there in 1969. During the next seven years she worked in England where she specialized in obstetrics and gynecology at Hillingdon Hospital and was awarded a fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the University College Hospital. In recognition of her contributions to medicine she was inducted as a Fellow in the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FRCOG) in England.

As a pioneer in her field, Dr. Radwanska was invited by the University of North Carolina (UNC) in 1976 to establish an infertility treatment clinic at the UNC University Hospital in Chapel Hill. Moving to Chicago in 1981, she has been on the faculty of Rush University Medical Center since that time. She has been instrumental in developing and directing gynecologic endocrinology, infertility and assisted reproductive programs at Rush, trained numerous students, residents and fellows, published over 150 scientific articles and earned many awards. She is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FACOG) since 1981. Dr. Radwanska received a Doctorate Honoris Causa from her Alma Mater in Warsaw in 2002. Dr. Radwanska’s private practice at Rush (1981-2017) was with Women’s Health Consultants. During 2004-2016 she was also a consulting Attending Physician at Cook County Hospital serving needy Chicago patients. Currently she is affiliated with Women for Women gynecology practice.

Since arriving in Chicago over 30 years ago, Dr. Radwanska has been very active in the Polish-American community. She is a member of several international and Polonia organizations, has many Polish patients, has given many medical presentations to women’s groups and gladly volunteers her time at cultural and educational events.
She is vice-president of the Polish-American Medical Society, whose non-profit mission is awarding scholarships to Polish-American students of medical sciences from the Chicago area. In 2000 Dr. Radwanska received the Heritage Award of the Polish-American Congress in Illinois; and in 2002 the “Person of the Year” title from the Chicago Polish Radio. In 2012 she was awarded a Cavalier’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland.

Since 1985 Dr. Radwanska has been involved with the Kosciuszko Foundation (KF). The Foundation’s programs promoting Polish culture in America and its mission of fostering Polish-American educational exchange are central to her interests. During the 1990’s she was the KF Chicago Chapter’s President for 10 years, at that time actively involved with organizing Chopin Piano Competitions in Chicago. For the last 20 years she has served as a national Member of the Board of Trustees of the Kosciuszko Foundation, based in New York. She is also a member of its Academic Committee, evaluating applicants for the KF Polish-American scientific exchange program; member of the Award Committee evaluating medical publications for the KF Janczewski Prize; and fellow of the KF Collegium of Eminent Scientists.

In 2018 Dr.Radwanska’s autobiography “Pomagajac Kobietom i Matce Naturze” (Helping Women and Mother Nature) was published in Poland.

Dr. Radwanska’s husband John Cullinan, PhD, a graduate of Yale and Columbia Universities, a retired professor of literature and non-profit administrator, has been a great support in her endeavors. Her daughter, Joanna Radwanska-Williams, PhD, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, is a professor of linguistics.

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